Wednesday, August 8, 2012



Though my project is largely concerned with sex ed in a religious context, I wanted to lift up this educational resource aimed at teens and folks in their 20's. Like many of the Christian sex ed resources I'm studying (a report on those coming soon) Scarleteen firmly believes in the decision making power and agency of teens - IF they are given accurate information!

I haven't done a lot of searching around on their website (I've only spent an hour or so browsing) but it seems to provide accurate and helpful information about STI's, contraception, and all sorts of other body questions. It also provides reasoning tools and a readiness checklist for teens trying to discern if they are ready to be sexually active. It provides information about what "consent" means, and provides resources for teens exploring their sexuality intellectually, emotionally, and physically. It's also incredibly interactive with well-monitored message boards and a text-your-question option that will connect you with a staff person or volunteers.

Click here to access their page for "first time visitors." I searched "religion" in their search engine and came up with a number of articles and questions dealing with religious themes. A great many of them (possibly even the majority) are from young people struggling to reconcile their faith traditions teaching about sex (as sinful, as reserved for a marriage, as off-limits for discussion, etc) with their friend's activities, their own discovery of sexuality, or even dealing with sexually traumatic experiences. Most posts refer readers to their pastor, rabbi, or religious leader for questions about the theological underpinnings to their understandings of sex but readers are also encouraged to do some research on their own (reading books, talking to friends and people of all ages, seeking out multiple voices within their faith tradition, and self examination).

It's a pretty amazing resource for young people seeking accurate information about their bodies and tools for navigating through the hormones.

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